by Neighborhood Alliance | Oct 18, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
Rewriting History: City Council Calls the Future of Georgetown’s HARC into...
by Neighborhood Alliance | Oct 6, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
The Georgetown City Survey on Historic Properties & Districts closes tomorrow, Sunday, October 7th. PLEASE take a few moments to complete the survey. It is VERY important.
by Neighborhood Alliance | Oct 3, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
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by Neighborhood Alliance | Sep 23, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
The City of Georgetown is updating the 2030 plan. They are looking for input from the Georgetown citizens. There are several ways to participate and share your thoughts . First, the city has crafted a 2030 Plan update survey Take this brief survey. Second, GNA is...
by Neighborhood Alliance | Aug 27, 2018 | City Council, News, Planning & Zoning
Councilman Pitts Letter to the Editor and GNA’s Comments & Questions. Councilman Pitts asked GNA to publish his Letter to the Editor in The Wilco Sun. Hi GNA, I noticed your vision includes a “populace fully informed” and that you strive to collaborate and...
by Neighborhood Alliance | Aug 15, 2018 | City Council, News, Planning & Zoning
I have three areas of concern regarding Councilman Pitts proposal. First, I have prepared comments in a virtual vacuum. Something as important as a proposal changing the City of Georgetown’s Historic and Architecture Review Commission and following a process outside...