by Neighborhood Alliance | Oct 6, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
The Georgetown City Survey on Historic Properties & Districts closes tomorrow, Sunday, October 7th. PLEASE take a few moments to complete the survey. It is VERY important.
by Neighborhood Alliance | Oct 3, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
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by Neighborhood Alliance | Sep 23, 2018 | News, Planning & Zoning
The City of Georgetown is updating the 2030 plan. They are looking for input from the Georgetown citizens. There are several ways to participate and share your thoughts . First, the city has crafted a 2030 Plan update survey Take this brief survey. Second, GNA is...
by Neighborhood Alliance | Sep 9, 2018 | Events, News, Tree Keepers
Tuesday, September 24, 2018 at 6:30 p.m. GNA Tree Keepers are hosting April Rose from the City of Austin to discuss tree preservation. This is meeting will occur at the Georgetown Public Library and is open to the public.
by Neighborhood Alliance | Aug 27, 2018 | City Council, News, Planning & Zoning
Councilman Pitts Letter to the Editor and GNA’s Comments & Questions. Councilman Pitts asked GNA to publish his Letter to the Editor in The Wilco Sun. Hi GNA, I noticed your vision includes a “populace fully informed” and that you strive to collaborate and...
by Neighborhood Alliance | Aug 15, 2018 | City Council, News, Planning & Zoning
I have three areas of concern regarding Councilman Pitts proposal. First, I have prepared comments in a virtual vacuum. Something as important as a proposal changing the City of Georgetown’s Historic and Architecture Review Commission and following a process outside...