

The Georgetown Neighborhood Alliance unites Georgetown neighbors to support and enhance the quality and character of the city’s neighborhoods and community life by influencing how and where we grow.


  • A Georgetown of connected citizens, influencing where and how our community grows, participating in local planning, and monitoring city and business accountability in development.
  • A Georgetown where residents, business and development organizations, and city administrators engage as partners through open dialogue, in joint pursuit of economic models that both strengthen residential life and provide business services.
  • A Georgetown populace fully informed at all times of development proposals and ongoing projects.
  • A Georgetown enriched by residential quality of life and rising residential property values, cultivated by responsible developments that complement existing neighborhoods and structures.
  • A Georgetown that enforces the integrity of its zoning, to maintain the residential quality of life and community character.


  • Connect. We work to strengthen the voice of Georgetown neighbors and create alliances across all neighborhoods.
  • Align. We work to influence local planning processes by aligning the will of Georgetown residents with the city master plans, regulations, codes, and governance.
  • Advise. We work to enlist knowledgeable advisors to provide the Georgetown residents with insight, guidance, and consultation on matters that impact their quality of life.
  • Communicate. We work to ensure that Georgetown residents are kept informed of city planning and development issues that affect their interests.
  • Collaborate. We work to maintain open dialogue and a collaborative spirit with city administrators and developers.
  • Transparency. We work to ensure timeliness and transparency in city business and development process.
  • Accountability. We work to hold city government and business developers accountable to public agreements and city codes.