The Historic Architecture and Resource Council (HARC) reviewed two important projects during the June, 28th meeting.
– 511 Main Street
The event center proposal submitted by Justin & Katy Bohls was denied by HARC (6 to 1 – Romero supported the proposal) based on the following: request for demolition to historical portion of the building was a concern, mass and size of the new building given it is larger than the historical structure and not consistent with the surrounding area, the Main Street wall at 9’ is over UDC height restriction of 4’, and replacement of the windows is not warranted.
– 200 E. 8th Street
On behalf of developer John Readyhough, Nat Waggnor reviewed changes to the design including: modulation of the building, human scale, mass – building in relationship to lot size and height (down from 3 stories to 2 stories). HARC was favorable to the changes.
While not in the purview of HARC, retention of the heritage tree on the property will be difficult. it will be difficult to retain the heritage tree in the middle of the property according to the developer.