The infill project at the old “Eats” site on 8th site returns to HARC on Thursday, December 14. The applicant has made some changes to the elevations to meet city requirements (see pictures below). However, the project still presents a significant change in the landscape of Old Town.

The size and scale of the building is out of context with its surroundings and inappropriate to the setting. Also it’s higher than the 40 ft height limit. How many exceptions will this project need to ask for?

Staff is recommending APPROVAL for the revised project. Here is the Cover Sheet for the hearing. The all-important Staff Report is reproduced below.

Please attend the HARC meeting on Thursday (6 pm in Council Chambers at 7th & Main), and, in advance, write to the Planning office and state your opinion.
Nat Waggoner, Long Range Planning manager,
Sofia Nelson, Planning director,
Karen Frost, Admin assistant,


[gview file=”–_Staff_Report.pdf”]